
Master your integration projects on-premise and in the Cloud with Fuse Tooling
Alternate Languages Débutant

Fuse Tooling is a powerful Integrated Development Environment for integrations projects based on Apache Camel and Jboss Fuse. During the talk, I will show the best features of Fuse Tooling which had a reworked UI this year:

  • how to graphically defines Camel routes
  • how to graphically debug your Camel routes
  • how to leverage the IDE with OpenShift as target platform

Apache Camel is an integration framework based on Enterprise Integration Patterns. It empowers developers to define routing and mediation rules. JBoss Fuse is the productized version of Apache Camel provided by Red Hat. It helps you to configure and deploy in tested and supported environments. Environments that can be on-premise or in the Cloud.

JUDCon [Amphi 139]
12 mai 2017
14:30 - 15:20